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Check Async Transaction Status

For some payment methods, the result of the transaction is fetched asynchronously, and you can check the final result of the payment after initiating the transaction via this API.

Header Parameters
    Nonce string required

    random 16 bytes alphanumerics

    Credential string required

    Please follow the OpenAPI authentication section

    Example: d900da8b-6e16-4a85-8a66-05d29ac53f24/20240501120123/Wonder-RSA-SHA256
    Signature string required

    Please follow the OpenAPI authentication section

    Example: good
    Content-type string required
    Example: application/json
    x-request-id string
    Example: {% mock 'uuid' %}
Request Body
    order object required
    number Wonder order number
    reference_number Your order number
    transaction object required
    uuid transaction uuid required

    transaction uuid



    error_code string required
    error_message string required
    data object required
    transaction object required
    type Transaction Type required

    Possible values: [Sales, Authorization, Refund, Capture]

    uuid Wonder transaction uuid required

    Wonder transaction uuid

    currency transaction currency required

    transaction currency

    amount transaction amount required

    transaction amount

    success success required

    if transaction successful

    is_pending boolean required

    for async payment,if transaction still pending

    captured boolean required

    for card pure-auth,if transaction captured

    allow_void boolean required

    if transaction allowed to void

    allow_refund boolean required

    if transaction allowed to refund

    void_is_pending boolean required

    if void still pending

    payment_method string required

    which payment method

    note string required

    transaction remark

    payment_data object required

    related to payment method

    acquirer_name string required
    acquirer_type string required
    auth_code string required
    brn string required
    card_id string required
    card_number_len integer required
    card_read_mode string required
    credit_card_type string required
    first_6_digits string required
    last_4_digits string required
    merchant_id string required
    new_gateway_txn_id string required
    payment_method string required
    receipt_id string required
    rrn string required
    transaction_state string required
    original_transaction_uuid original transacation uuid

    original transacation uuid
