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Error Handler

EO200001Missing required param
EO200002Invalid param
EO200003Duplicated reference number
EO200006Operation not allowed
EO200007Customer not found
EO200008Payment token not found
EO200403Permission error
EO200500System internal error
EO100102Currency not support
EO100201Business not found
EO100301Order not found
EO100302Order already paid
EO100303Order already voided
EO100304Order already
EO100305Order can not edit
EO100306Order can not void
EO100307Order can not refund
199999Internal 1
199998Internal 2
199997Internal 3
100002The Currency Is Not Configured. Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100003Merchant Account Is Disable. Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100004Merchant Account Config . Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100005Processing Rule Required. Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100006The Payment Method Is Not Supported. Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100029Day End Closed
100031The POS Is Not Found In Acquirer. Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100007Terminal TID Is Busy. Please Try Again Later
100008Entry Type Not Supported
100009Card Brand Not Supported
100010Original Record Is Busy
100011Risk Flagged. Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100012Reversal Is Needed
100013No Record
100014Abnormal Record Status
100015Max Transaction Amount Exceeded
100016The Currency Is Not Matched
100017Cannot Reach Acquirer
100018Third Party Request
110010ResultCode Time-Out Payment Failed
100024Order Closing
100023The Acquirer Doesn't Support This Action
100019Server aNot Support this Acquirer
100020Server Not Support this Acquirer Method
100021Server Certificate
100022Apple Pay Key Required
100025Invalid Token
100026You Do Not Have Access
100027Request Had Invalid Signature
100028Acquirer Not Support Currency
110001Fraud Card Detected And Rejected.
110002MID Flagged By Bank
110003Rejected By Issuer
110004Insufficient Funds. Please Make Sure The Card Has Sufficient Amount Or To Process The Payment With Other Cards
110005Incorrect PIN. Please Insert The Correct PIN and Try Again
110006Settlement Unbalance
110007Bank Key Inactive
110008Card Information Incorrect!
110009CardHolderLimitedByBank Card Holder Limited By Bank
110010Time-Out Payment Failed
110011Partial Refund Not Supported
110012Transaction Amount Limit Exceeded
100030UUID Conflict
100031Transaction Has Been Settlemented
100032Gateway Rule Config . Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100034Chinese Mainland Payment QR Not Supported
100035Business Information
100036Business Merchant Services Settings ,Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
100037This Pre-auth transaction is already captured, hence, cannot be voided. Please check again.
100038Duplicate Transaction
101016Currency Not Supported
101017Card Is Blocked
101018Domain Not In The Whitelist
101019Location Token Invalid
101020Missing Location Token
101035Duplicate Apply
101036Current Transaction Only Support Credit Card Payment
101037Business Status Inactive,Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider
101038System . Please Contact For Further Inquiry
101039Business Status Inactive. Please Contact Your Payment Process Service Provider.
101040This Account Is Not Yet Connected To A Taxi Meter. Proceed To connect To A Taxi Meter To Accept Payments Or Contact
120001TransportationCode Is Used
120002TransportationCode Is Expired
120003TransportationCode In BlackList
120004TransportationCode Sign
120005TransportationCode Verify
101041Order Incomplete, Order Split Not Supported.
101042Invalid Super Store Id, Order Split Not Supported.
101043Order Split Duplicated.
101044Acquirer Do Not Support Order Split.
101045Transaction Has Been Held, The Operation Cannot Be Performed