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02. Create customer payment token

Create a card token for a customer, you should store the card token in your system and you can pay directly with the card token.

  1. Credit card as token.
  2. Alipay auto debit.
Header Parameters
    Nonce string required

    random 16 bytes alphanumerics

    Credential string required

    Please follow the OpenAPI authentication section

    Example: d900da8b-6e16-4a85-8a66-05d29ac53f24/20240501120123/Wonder-RSA-SHA256
    Signature string required

    Please follow the OpenAPI authentication section

    Example: good
    Content-type string required
    Example: application/json
    x-request-id string
    Example: {% mock 'uuid' %}
Request Body
    card object required

    card details

    number card number required

    card number

    exp_month exp month required

    exp month

    exp_year exp year required

    exp year

    nickname card nickname

    card nickname

    holder_name holder_name required


    billing_address object
    zip_code string
    address string
    city string
    state string
    country_code string

    ISO 3166 Alpha 3

    first_name string
    last_name string
    phone_number string
    email string
    3ds object required
    success_return_url if 3ds verify successful redirect to this url required

    if 3ds verify successful redirect to this url

    fail_return_url if 3ds verify fail redirect to this url required

    if 3ds verify fail redirect to this url

    transaction_type TransactionTypeEnum required

    Possible values: [partial_split_shipment, delayed_charges, no_show, recurring_payment, unscheduled_cof, unscheduled_cof_subsequent]

    alipay object
    terminal_type string

    Possible values: [WEB, WAP, official_account]

    return_url string
    transaction_type TransactionTypeEnum required

    Possible values: [partial_split_shipment, delayed_charges, no_show, recurring_payment, unscheduled_cof, unscheduled_cof_subsequent]

    wechat_pay object required
    terminal_type string required

    Possible values: [WEB, WAP, official_account]

    return_url string required
    code string required


    openid string required


    transaction_type TransactionTypeEnum required

    Possible values: [partial_split_shipment, delayed_charges, no_show, recurring_payment, unscheduled_cof, unscheduled_cof_subsequent]



    error_code string required
    error_message string required
    data object required
    payment_token object required
    token_type string required

    Possible values: [CreditCard, Alipay, Wechatpay]

    token string required
    state string required
    verify_url string required
    verify_uuid string required
    credit_card object
    number string required
    exp_month string required
    exp_year string required
    holder_name string required
    brand string required